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May 18, 2024

There are moments of connection. Physical, but across time.

Just now, in 20 seconds, in a crowd of many other humans, three connections were instant and over 35 years. Faces lit up.

The months, years, of constricted intimacy opened up because where lives were shared closed. Intentions were to remain connected. And we are, but in moments, not in daily life. The instant is brief, but the connection is across times, not thru life.

Across time is not thru time. The frozen moments are trapped in two dimensions, now, on these screens beyond all other connections. But the moment that can be triggered is not the trigger. Triggers are now across all lives, thru all time, and affect everyone, at any time, simply put before our eyes.

But images are not memory. Triggers have no space, no body. In a world whelming in triggers, time gives us the connections that trivialize the image.

In the flow that can be felt, but is often just what we float thru, the connections to the rest of life are as bright and piercing as out hopes. Because they were our hopes.

Faith is when hope becomes connected.

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