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June 16, 2024

we want to be with what we have been given, this world, but it’s beauty often compels care, even fear.

but we are part of the world, that we were given, too – so our part can be part of the dance

the dynamic of what is made by us and is made fully, completely, out of our control is beauty, too

so we want to intercede – we create in life to be part of the life we cannot control in our creations

we can frame a piece of beauty, but we do not make it, we discover it – sometimes by being a part of it

that intervention is the stuff of life – not the nest, ant hill, dam or burrow – but the attempt to see the world and us, as together

but it is often not enough – we want to control, too – and now we can define worlds that are not in the world we live in – there were books, art, music to be subsumed in – in creation and perception – but now the screens we hold, goggles we wear, soon chips in our heads effort not intercession but invention

I think of the generation of the electricity – in and by this world – that is the electrons we use to do this, now, and see the folly of a reality trying to be not part of reality

and the minds and hands that were given to us, too – we make nothing

but we can only intervene, and be part of what is given to us, because we are given all of it – we are not the reality we want to control, we can just be a part of the beauty that overwhelms us, if we can accept it

not easy

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